Saturday, 18 December 2010

oh christmas tree oh christmas tree

it is nearly christmas and boy has this year flown so much has happend good and bad went to ent on wed taking baha to the next stage i have had a very healhty year this year and im very hyappy for that hope evyerone has a very healhty happy christmas

Saturday, 4 December 2010

prayers pls

pls send some good old postive thoughts to evas fam again they arent having the best year now her sweet brother is in the hosp with possible crohns and crys has allreayd had cancer pls pray with me that the new year is the best for them and we all get to meet up LOVE U ALL SO MUCH

Thursday, 18 November 2010

five words about me

my cous is doing a daily blog challenge up to nye i thought id go along for the ride and you can learn bits you may not know

lovely caring charger great friend

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

stole this of my cous booby really ruby LOL

mycous is doing a blog challenge till new years so i thought id come along for the ride and give you all someinteresting facts bout me

home town
Sydney australia what do i love about here well it is jsutthe bussiest most interesting and diverse place theres allwyas something going on here go east you got the gorgous beaches where i live go west you got suburbia theres all different cultures to take ur pick we got it over here only prob is our roads are a car park slometimes and our streets have no arking sometiems no wheelchair access and lots of other bad sutff but go to the places old buildings beaches and even out of sydney minutes away form the mountains woolongong and the airport fly drive swim boat and walk ah sydney i love you even for your craziness

Saturday, 2 October 2010

the third anual charge it for charge is now here

Hey everyone i have decided to try help with the third anual for charge it for charge event charge it for charge is a anual thing done by the foundation to help raise much needed funds for the foundation id love it if you could donate to me and the c

Saturday, 18 September 2010


a tribute to my many anasetic people

The other day i was looking at one of the blogs i follow not a charger but soemone i know through moriah and soemone i love the way she writes. She posted a lovely message about how we allwasy recognise oru drs but not the ones that put us to sleep for an op she inspired me i had my endoscopy the other day and then i read her post i thought yes these people are the greatest to if it wasnt for the one who made anesetics easier for new borns and babies i probly wouldnt of been able to have the things i have had as i have relatively small airways. even if they dotn read i would still like to aknolege the work they have done they are the ones that got the drips that many others couldnt get. They were the ones that put the lines in when needed. They were the ones that knew me and didnt even really need to consult they understood me and they knew how to work with what i had. i feel lucky to of known these people and they are great people updates endoscopy went ok was actualy done by them i have hiatus hernia reflux is coz of inflamed oesophegus he says its neurolotical im going to gi on thrus

Sunday, 29 August 2010

nearly spring cant believe it

i cant beleive its nearly spring not to much happening here. Am heading to perth in october fr the aus charge conf then next july i am making plans to go to Orlando for the big cahrge conf i hope to meet all my charge families there that i have come to know through fb charge lsit and blogs they include kim claton and her gorgous charger crys and eva moriah and their fam kristy and the swann fam there are soem i know i wont meet but they will b flying with me in the plane all the way love to chis fam and of course mks fam and any other charge angels will be great to meet everyone also going to harrypotter land and some other stuff am goign with sevies fam will b great her mums allways said shed take me to harrypotter land when i relsied where the conf is i said lets do it then they want to go to disney land vagus the place where twilight is and well we cant go to hp land with out doing disney world can we LO looking fwd to seeing everyone at the charge conf and if anyone wants to meet up anywhere in the places we will b jsut let me know i will put a detailed thing on here n fb and the lsit later

Wednesday, 4 August 2010


i jstu went to moriahs blog to do my daily check as i do with all my little chargers and shes coming HOME YAY a hole year in hosp and a recovery centre so happy for them happy for christopher to hes home to pls keep sweet mk in ur thougths tho shes getting better everyday and gracie is back in the hosp AGAIN also and i am having an endoxopy in a few weeks jstu to check up on stuff coz of my reflux and stuff

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

some chargers in need or some special prayers and thoughts

hope everyone is doing well. I am very well at the moment still have bad reflux but am going to see dr next mon but right now i want you to keep a few charge families in your thoughts gorgous MK who i have followed on and off for a while and i have her mum on my fb is very sick after heart surgery readign their caring bridge was very sadening  Another sweet charger christopher has been having trouble with feedings and sutff after heart surgery. May be home by middle to end of week improving everyday. And Gracie who is linked to my blog through evas blog i knwo bit tricky but she is and they r my fb friends to is having problems similar to what i have had befor in my teenage years and younger life. She has been in and out of hospital and is needing a possible fundo and needs a hernia repaired pls keep these precous chargers close xxxx

Saturday, 19 June 2010

a quote i found

You can never stop grieving, you can only get used to it. Never be afraid to cry. Tears are not a sign of weakness, they show how much you love that person and how much they matter.♥      to me this relates so good to all oru firends with angels above us my cous posted it about one of her friends thanks charlotte its so ture LOVE IT hope u all do to

Monday, 14 June 2010

new layout and endo appt

hope u all like my new layout endo appt a couple of weeks ago was great over heating could be two things going again in six months he thinks its all down to the cleft palate people with clefts often have the same probs he said  i am doing well other wise think i could have nother ear infection bit sore been cold here lately but we r all well and hapy

Sunday, 16 May 2010

reflux update

well tube change if anything i think made the reflux worse and fentintinal made me vomit more hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh well

Saturday, 8 May 2010

tummy update

saw gastro dr today havent see him in his room for THREE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reflux will hopefuly get better after tube change on frday jsut what i thought hed say everything else is good keep evas mummy in ur thougths pls she needs chemo now i love my eva and her mummy and there fam they r the greatest charge fam or one of the greatest  also if anyone still wants to donate to my walk with me page you can still do it til the 14th of may. All up nrotycott raised 4000 dollars for respite but more would be great thanks the link is about two posts down. OR if you are in fb and my firend jstu go to my profile and go to links you will see it there

Thursday, 22 April 2010

positive thoughts pllssssssssssssss

soemtiems i think caring for us is what makes oru mummys sick. Sometiems i think they work to hard one of those definately does my wonderful charge mummy crys she has to go into hosp next week to get a cancer spot pls send positve thoughts that there isnt any in any other spots so far so good.. also keep wonderful chi in ur thougths he was sposed to come home today and now possible has an infection could it be form the hosptial those places r known for infections hes the one under eva in links.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


well the other week i had ent found a middle ear infection wich is better now. Next is my tummy an whos records accordign to the secatary hastn seen me in FOUR YEARS WOW bt i have seen him since jsut not in his rooms. Next is my new endo  dr as my old one has moved to another job and catn see me anymore will update as eac one coems up. other news my new old chair fell aprt a few months ago and i need another new one getting money back soon i am particpating in walk with me for nrothcott my service. to sponser jsut do this  

Hi,Ihave decided to walk for Northcott Disability Services (a Member
ofAbility First Australia) on 2nd May, will you join me? You can
eithersponsor me or walk with me and raise much needed funds yourself
forpeople living with disabilities. The ...walk is an easy one, around
Oval in the beautiful Kings School gro...unds in North
Parramatta.IfNorthcott is new to you, they provide services for people
with a broadrange of disabilities including physical, intellectual,
sensory,acquired and degenerative disabilities, as well as
challengingbehaviours. Some clients with rare or lesser known
disabilities findNorthcottto be the only provider of appropriate support and services.Northcott's website address To sponsor me or tofind out more about my Walk, visit my web page  

and click on the link to visit my page. not much else new jsut the usual stuff

about my side pics

You may notice a few new side pics there. these are all chargers one is oru eva who i have followed form the very start. One is chis new blog a newish charger who is going through a lot the other chi one is was his other one but now its his mums but i keep it there and the otehr is moriah then below them i have links to people i follow. One is carrie chris and evas friend a wonderful woan and i admire her strenth. One is a firend of vicotiras moriahs mum who i have seen on there blog many times and i love her comments . Then there is reu eva and a few other chargers and we cant forget my lovely cousins ruby and my wonderful aunty lynne if anyone wants a pressie idea jsut opop over to omnia my link at the side that is my aunty and if you tell her you know me shell ship for free or ould she LOL. hope you all enjoy my new links

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

dotn know what i want to say but i wanted to say soemthing hey everyone

Thursday, 14 January 2010

its the new year

so another year has started lets hope its a good one for all im am doing well walked over 400metres the other day in surf and all wonderful been seein family firends and places as suual not muchnew to report