Thursday 22 April 2010

positive thoughts pllssssssssssssss

soemtiems i think caring for us is what makes oru mummys sick. Sometiems i think they work to hard one of those definately does my wonderful charge mummy crys she has to go into hosp next week to get a cancer spot pls send positve thoughts that there isnt any in any other spots so far so good.. also keep wonderful chi in ur thougths he was sposed to come home today and now possible has an infection could it be form the hosptial those places r known for infections hes the one under eva in links.


Crystal M. said...

Oh Ellen!!! Taking care of my kids did not give me Cancer but thank you for your sweet words!! I love you!!

Abby Lynn said...

it's our jobs to by mommies!
Being moms is the best job ever.
Cris will be fine.
She has lots of hugs, thoughts an prayers for her speedy recovery!
You need to take care of yourslef too! We all love you!