Wednesday 28 December 2011

another christmas over

Well another chrismtas over. I had a lovely chrismtas in the mountains with the fam Christmas eve we had din hee with my mums cous and my aunty thats mums oldest friend was a lovely dinner then sunday we opened pressies and went tolerua we ended up at our house and found mums wonderful brother n fam there mum n mandy ended up in kitchen making salads and then we all went to my cousins for christmas. It did start to rain at one point but simon and yevette had big umbrellas out and a nice cover on their deck pressies were a mad house with even a bit of regifting mum soemhow got a kids pressie so she gave that to one of the kids that had nothing. After food we went back to the faqirmont for a good sleep then monday we all sat round the pool swimming chatting hoding my new baby cous and i even ran into a charge fam. Left overs were also brought over by simon and yevette and john and mandy brought stuff to so food was inhaled kids watched movies then we had pizzas and pudding in our sweet with the hole fam soem went and watched another movie and lots mroe talking was had. Yesterday me and mum and dad went on a walk with my wonderful aunty an d uncle then we had to come home the mist over the mountains was spectacular and it wasw cold now we usualy have hot this time of year . Now for new year this has been a hard year for many and a fun year for many for me it has been bit of everything with highlights being charge conf harrypotter land disney lego land well my trip away anyway moments with fam and friends and of course being me.i do hpe the new year br4ings peace happiness and good health to EVERYONE just stay positive and keep going LOVE U ALL and im hear wit ya all

1 comment:

Kurby Family said...

Merry Christmas, sounds like you had a wonderful day in the mountains--sounds beautiful! And what are the chances of running into another charge fam?!

Happy New Year to you, hoping for a healthy and happy one and lots of laughs and fun too! xoxo