Wednesday, 21 April 2010

about my side pics

You may notice a few new side pics there. these are all chargers one is oru eva who i have followed form the very start. One is chis new blog a newish charger who is going through a lot the other chi one is was his other one but now its his mums but i keep it there and the otehr is moriah then below them i have links to people i follow. One is carrie chris and evas friend a wonderful woan and i admire her strenth. One is a firend of vicotiras moriahs mum who i have seen on there blog many times and i love her comments . Then there is reu eva and a few other chargers and we cant forget my lovely cousins ruby and my wonderful aunty lynne if anyone wants a pressie idea jsut opop over to omnia my link at the side that is my aunty and if you tell her you know me shell ship for free or ould she LOL. hope you all enjoy my new links


Kurby Family said...

Glad to see you are back on your blog again...its been a while, and I've missed you! THanks for the update!

Crystal M. said...

Thanks for Adding Eva!!!